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So does your pool of friends.

In college I never had a problem with too few friends. In fact it was the opposite for me. I hd too many friends and not enough time.

Well the time thing is still there, but the friends have become fewer. One thing that made a big difference was that the bulk of my friends were in my same program.

So I would hang out with them to do homework and study.

Maybe not the most exciting thing, but doing homework with your friends is an easy way to spend time together. I didn’t see the friends outside of my major quite as much, but would usually find time to go out with them on weekends. I essentially just lived on campus. I would get to campus around 7 in the morning and bring all my crap with me for the day. I’d dump it in a locker at the gym and do class, work, and the gym all day, then go home sometime between 5 pm and 2 am, depending on the day.

If you can, get a job on campus. This makes things so much easier. And it is better than commuting to a crappy job. You only have so much energy.

I'm not going to have time, energy, or desire for everything in my life all the time. The first step was to accept that.

There will not always be a balance. What helped me the most was to plan and schedule absolutely everything, schedule time to nap, grocery shop, etc.

One of my college friends told me once that being an adult, it's just too hard. "How do people do it," she asked me. Trust me, college is the easy part. Life is much harder, and you don't graduate to life until after you get your diploma.